Plum Village

Skills: Accessibility | Agile | Content modelling | Information Architecture | Figma Prototyping | User research | UX writing

Redesigning the app to help spread the teachings of Thích Nhât Hanh to a wider audience.

Users have so much love for the Plum Village app. It’s free. But, more importantly, it has lots of meditations, deep relaxation practices, and dharma talks, all led by monastics in the Plum Village tradition or even by Zen Master Thích Nhât Hanh himself.

And yet the app is difficult to navigate.

People can’t find what they’re looking for.

Which means they’re missing out on important teachings.

Driven by user research, I’m in the process of creating new information architecture, developing content using a trauma-informed framework, creating prototypes and testing and iterating (with usability studies and card-sorting techniques).

This project is a current work in progress.

I’ll update this page very soon!